The Botanical Edition

Poinsettias and holiday illustrations in digital watercolor style done in Procreate

The Holiday Edition


Patterns in Photoshop

Patterns in Procreate

Patterns in Procreate

Grab my 4 best-selling classes
at once and save!

-Learn how to create watercolor artwork in Procreate with my simple technique. You’ll get the Botanicals and the Holiday Editions.

-Learn how to assemble repeating patterns in Adobe Photoshop.

-Learn how to make half-drop repeating patterns in Procreate

Procreate Inking: Fun & Easy Techniques

Mushroom Art in Procreate: Explore Ink, Graphic, Watercolor + Color Pencil Styles

"Wow, your class is exactly what I was looking for, very detailed and engaging, one of the best on the subject. Thank you!"

- Anna V

"This was a wonderful course. I believe it really helped me build some skills that I definitely will continue to build. Thank you, Sandra!"

-Sher Kyweriga

I have many more classes available on Skillshare.
Here’s some of them:

Click on each image to join the class

Digital Watercolors in

Digital Illustration
in Procreate: Working with
Layers & Masks

Easy Procreate
Watercolors - Create a Stylized Scientific Illustration

Create Patterns and Pattern Brushes in Procreate

Procreate Animation for Illustrators and Designers

Using Procreate to Create
Client Work

Ink and Color in Procreate for Illustrators

Create Mockups on Your iPad with Procreate

Florals in Procreate - Learn the Basics and Add Your Own Flair